1. Before each program process processing, it is necessary to strictly determine whether the CNC blade is consistent with the program.
2. It is necessary to determine the size of the CNC blade and whether the knife blade used is suitable.
3. During the operation of CNC lathes, the door is strictly prohibited to prevent the darts or flying product workpieces.
4. In the whole process of processing, if the actual operating staff of the collision knife is found, it is necessary to park immediately, such as pressing the "emergency termination" button or the "reset switch" button or adjusting the "sword speed" to zero.
5. Each time in the same product workpiece must be guaranteed in the same area to ensure the accuracy CNC processing core operating standards when the CNC knife is connected.
6. If the processing capacity of the processing is too much during the entire processing process, you need to apply the "single section" or "suspend" the value of X, Y, and Z. Its autonomous operation.
7. The actual operating staff in the autonomous operation cannot leave the CNC lathe or check the management status of CNC lathes on time.
8. In front of the light knife oil pump, the aluminum residue in the CNC lathe needs to be cleaned and tidy to prevent aluminum residue from removing oil.
9. In the open process process, you can use gas as much as possible, and the oil pump is pump in the light knife process process.
10. After the speed of the product workpiece, the grinding and polishing must be removed on time.
11. At get off work, the actual operation of the actual operating staff must do a good job of accurate work immediately to ensure that the processing can be carried out normally later.
12. Before standby, make sure that the blade system is in the initial part, the XYZ shaft is parked at the middle of the vertical residence, and the switching power and total power supply on the CNC lathe control panel will be turned off.
13. When encountering thunderstorm weather, you need to disconnect the switch power immediately.